American Ninja Warrior Recap 8/27/18: Season 10 Episode 13 Las Vegas Finals Night 1
Tonight on NBC their obstacle course competition American Ninja Warrior returns with an all-new Monday, August 27, 2018, episode and we have your American Ninja Warrior recap below! On tonight’s “Las Vegas Finals Night 1,” season 10 episode 13 as per the NBC synopsis, “From Las Vegas.”
Tonight’s episode looks like it is going to be a great season 10 episode 11, so be sure to tune in for our coverage of NBC’s American Ninja Warrior at 9 PM – 11 PM ET! While you wait for our American Ninja Warrior recap make sure to check out all our American Ninja Warrior news, spoilers, recaps & more!
Tonight’s American Ninja Warrior recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!
It was finally time to begin Stage 1 of the National Finals on tonight’s all-new episode of American Ninja Warrior”.
The ninjas have been working towards this moment for the last year if not more. They all wanted to be the one to press the buzzer because from there they would go onto Stage 2. However, not everyone was prepared for the new obstacles. The obstacle course tonight was the Archer Alley, the Propeller Bar, the Double Dipper, the Jumping Spider, the Jeep Run, the Warped Wall, the Razor Beams, and the Twist & Fly but several of those obstacles were brand new. They were so new that there was no practicing at home and so not everyone could have foreseen the Jeep Run. The Jeep Run was both new and difficult. It swung the ninjas in a circle and forced them to land on a spinning tire. And so right away it was meant to throw ninjas off balance.
The first ninja that tested this course was Matthew Day. He was a rookie who got to join the show this season thanks to the lowered age limit and since his debut, he’s become known for his speed. Matthew liked to tackle things aggressively and he did that again with this course. He was fast out of the gate and took no time before going after the next obstacle, so what worked before had ended up working against him tonight. Matthew had been too fast at going up against the Jumping Spider and he slipped right off yet it’s not like he could have taken the time to think about it too much. The course had a timer for Stage 1 and the ninjas could find themselves getting eliminated if they don’t finish the course at an appropriate time.
The next ninja had tried slowing things down some. Davyon Hancox was also a rookie and he would usually give himself a second to think before he went on to the next obstacle. It paid off in a sense because Davyon was able to make it past the Spider Jump. His timing hadn’t been bad and he could have finished the course for the new obstacle – the Jeep Run. It was just as difficult as it sounded and Davyon slipped off of the landing tire. His footing on the tire had been too low and so that’s why it was easy to slip off. Now, the next ninja, unfortunately, hadn’t made it to the Jeep Run. Rachel Goldstein had been one of the many impressive female ninjas this season and many had had high hopes for her. And she ended up falling on the Double Dipper.
The Double Dipper was holding while the obstacle takes two drops. It was a test of upper-body strength and knowing a little bit about weight placement couldn’t hurt, which was why it took out so many ninjas last season. It also seems like the obstacle to fear this season and that was surprising. Nick Hanson had gone next and the Eskimo Ninja had experienced some wobbling. He was able to get through the first couple of courses with enough speed that he got to through the Jeep Run with no problem and so his true test was timed itself. The ninjas had to complete the obstacle course in under three minutes and time wasn’t Nick’s friend. He was rushing through and had made it to the last obstacle when it proved tricky.
The obstacle had started to twist and turn on Nick, therefore, he ended up running out of time while being seconds away from actually finishing. There would be several others ninjas that would try out this course during the commercial break and none of them, not even Nigel Henry got as close to hitting that buzzer like Nick, however, the night was still young by that point. The next ninja to go up was Kyle Schulze. The deaf young man had become an inspiration for his community as well as for people around the world. Kyle didn’t let anything slow him down during the City Qualifiers or the City Finals and so no one expected that Kyle would wipeout on the first obstacle. And so the commentators reminded everyone that each obstacle was going to be difficult tonight.
Austin Gray had been next and the rookie had been inspirational as well. He had devoted a kidney to a friend several months ago and was making his run with just one kidney. Austin could have let the fact that he was rookie get to him and he hadn’t. He had started out the course with a great speed and took no time to slow down or think about any of it. Austin just went! He flew through everything and ultimately became the first finisher of the night because of the fearless approach he took. Except that hadn’t worked for everyone. Jon Alexis Jr. had started out strong and unfortunately, he tired out just as fast. He ended up falling on the Twist & Fly. Then there was Travis Rosen and the veteran’s speed had actually worked against him. He was going so fast on the Double Deeper that went he lost his grip – he took a hard fall and broke his ankle.
The Double Dipper had also taken out another veteran. The next ninja that went up had been Flip Rodriguez and he had even put aside his competitive relationship with Drew Drechsel to train together although that didn’t stop him from falling on the Double Dipper. Now, the next ninja was Karson Voiles. He’s been suffering from a personal situation and that could have affected his run tonight. Only it didn’t. Karson speed through the course and with more than a minute to spare he managed to hit that buzzer. He was the second finisher of the night and hopes had been high about this next ninja. Jamie Rahn has been making it to Stage 2 for the past few seasons now and he said this was his year.
Jamie used to be known for his green hair and outlandish stage presence, yet after tonight, he’ll be known as the barefoot ninja. He had made it to the Propeller Bar when he lost a shoe. It fell off when he jumped onto the obstacle and so he went through the Jumping Spider with just the one shoe. Then he went on to the other obstacle and had made it up to the buzzer after having given up his second shoe, this he became the Barefoot Ninja. Jamie had made it to the end because he said he didn’t let the loss of a shoe get in his head and some hadn’t been as clear-minded. Neil “Crazy” Craver had been hearing two voices before he started the course and that part of him that was telling himself to take things easy had clearly been out to get him.
Neil had fallen on the Double Dipper because he tried to take it easy. Meanwhile, Alyssa Beird had gotten so nervous that she fell on the first obstacle and hadn’t even made it close to disembarking, so mindset matters. The next ninja had been Dan Polizzi. He was known as the Twin Towers of Powers with his training partner and fellow firefighter though his partner hadn’t been able to make it and had been watching via through facetime as Dan raced through the courses and eventually became the fourth person to finish this course tonight. Not a lot of people made it towards the end much less the buzzer and the fact that the first night was almost over meant there wouldn’t be a lot of people going into Stage 2.
Sadly, the list of people going to Stage 2 hadn’t been a long one. James McGrath had fallen the past couple of seasons on the Jumping Spider and he thought he could better tackle it this year but he once again fell on the obstacle. It was a tragic end to a man nicknamed “the Beast” only there were some good moments tonight. Casey Suchocki, Ethan Swanson, Josh Levin, and Sean Bryan all went on to become a finisher. So everyone can look forward to their next run at Stage 2. What they couldn’t look forward to was Jessie “Flex” Labreck”. She again fell on the last obstacle and was disqualified. And Joe Moravsky hadn’t been any better. He fell on the Double Dipper and normally he at least makes to Stage 3!
Daniel Gil went up next. He started out fast on his feet and despite stumbling that one time – he had no problem with racing to that buzzer and finished tonight with the fastest time so far. Now, no many would be able to beat that time, however, the young man he trained went up right after him. Mathis “Kid” Owhadi came out of the gate as fast. He was hoping to be fast enough to beat Daniel’s time and thankfully had the confidence to back that up. The Kid never slowed down or thought about it. He just raced through the obstacles and had taken on the last obstacle like it was nothing to him. And so the Kid ended up with the fastest time out of all of them tonight.