How to easily get longshot kills to complete camo challenges?
Modern Warfare 2 and its challenges to unlock exquisite camos in the game is probably the most traditional way of grinding in Call of Duty. However, these challenges can be quite difficult at times and one such challenge is the longshot kill earned. You'll be required to complete this challenge to unlock the Platinum Camo for your weapons in the game.
In this challenge, each weapon class has its own unique minimum distance for a kill to be counted as a longshot. However, due to the nature of the game and the maps, it isn't easy to get a lot of longshot kills in the game. With some of the maps mostly designed for close-range gunfights, this challenge might be a hassle for you.
This guide looks at the process of easily getting plenty of longshots in Modern Warfare 2 to complete camo challanges.
Finish longshot challenges in Modern Warfare 2 with these steps
As previously mentioned, all weapon classes have a minimum kill distance requirement for it to count as a longshot. The ranges are
- Shotguns - 12.5m
- Pistols - 20m
- SMGs - 30m
- Assault Rifles - 38m
- Battle Rifles - 38m
- LMGs - 38m
- Marksman Rifles - 38m
- Sniper Rifles - 50m
If users get a kill at the above-mentioned distances or higher, it will be counted as a longshot. Here are some tips that players can implement in their game to easily achieve longshots:
1) Ground War
Ground War replaces the usual small core maps with vast open landscapes. This enables the user to battle across large distances. Thus, potentially increasing the chances of longshots. Furthermore, Ground War is an excellent game mode for using Sniper Rifles and leveling them up.
Core maps are small and don't provide enough opportunities for longshots, especially with weapons like Sniper Rifles. It's not rare to see players engaging in sniper duels in modes like Invasion and Ground War, where such long-range weapons are incredibly effective.
2) Tier 1
Tier 1, or Hardcore mode, allows for faster kills. All match participants' health is reduced, enabling players to take out their enemies with a few bullets. Since shooting at long distances increases the time it takes to kill an enemy, users often miss out on longshots. However, Tier 1 eliminates this problem and enables quicker and easier kills across distances.
3) Using the correct sights
The most common issue when it comes to getting longshots is not being able to accurately estimate the correct distance for it to count. This step is difficult in a fast-paced game like Modern Warfare 2. However, the two sights in particular display the range at which the gun is aimed. They are XTEN Angel-40 (unlocked by leveling up the TAQ-M to Level 11) and Angel-40 4.8X (unlocked by leveling up the RAAL MG to Level 6).
These displays show users the distance the gun is currently aimed at, giving crucial data on whether the target's elimination will be considered a longshot. As far as getting longshot kills quickly and easily in Modern Warfare 2 is concerned, the above pointers should suffice.
Once enough longshot kills are accumulated (after the Platinum challenge is unlocked), fans will be able to unlock the Platinum Camo and continue on their journey to unlock the Polyatomic Camo, followed by the Orion Camo.
To learn more guides about Modern Warfare 2, follow Sportskeeda's Esports and Gaming section.
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